Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹

Hello June – A Journal Entry 2021

Ahhh the smell of freshly blooming flowers and the sounds of chirping birds happily fills all my senses, hello and welcome my beautiful June month!

Love love love June and what it brings for us.

The sunshine, the endless walks to the waterfront or that bench at the park and to people watch or have deep and meaningful conversations, while you sit and chow down your favourite foodie.

June the promise of open toed shoes, floral flowy dresses, shorts, straw hats, sunscreen, long early drives to the country with the windows down and listening to your favourite 80’s jam. (okay maybe not your type of music but mine, LOL)

June where the man of the house works around the house and fixes this and that or makes planters for their wives and a herb planter for himself, LOL you know who I’m referring to right? Haha.

I’m so excited that summer is here and that May has given us has such beautiful weather.

Here’s what I’ve been up. Let’s start shall we.

May is of course known for the most important day – Mother’s Day!

I had such a great start to my morning.

Papa brought me coffee andย  a little pre-snack in bed while I relaxed and was told to stay put in my room until it was time.

So obviously that meant, when the children were done preparing for me. Haha.

Then he said he’ll be right back and then I heard the car leave the driveway.

That meant he went in search of awesome beautiful flowers. Haha. I so know him. (you know I’m loving every moment right!)

I heard my children clamouring in the kitchen below as aroma of deliciousness filled the air and tickled my nostrils.

After awhile Papa came back soon after and I also heard commotion in the backyard, but dared not peek. (that wouldn’t be nice)


my daughter : “mommy we’re ready”

Me “are my golden shoes at the bottom of the stairs”

daughter “yes, hurry upppp!”

and as I descended the stairs, I heard my favourite song (Leave the door open) play in the background. .

“What you doin’? (What you doin’?)
Where you at? (Where you at?)
Oh, you got plans? (You got plans?)
Don’t say that (shut yo’ trap)
I’m sippin’ wine (sip, sip)
In a robe (drip, drip)
I look too good (look too good)
To be alone (woo-hoo)”
(Damn I love the sound of Bruno Mars, you know Iโ€™ve seen him three times when heโ€™s visited Toronto and can I say he sounds even better in person; like can you imagine that?!)
I rounded the corner and there to my right is the mostย  beautiful table setting they made for me.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” they all say in unison….
“I’ma leave the door open
(I’ma leave the door open)
I’ma leave the door open, girl
(I’ma leave the door open, hopin’) “
At this point of the song I am already in tears and as I picked up my little cake with the cute little flower in it; all I can think of was my own mother and how I wished she was there to witness how beautiful my children and husband are.
After rounding the table and seeing all the goodness to be ravished, Papa signalled for me to look out the backyard; and there he had planted for me beautiful flowers in the planters he made for me last year. I was amazed, just like the kids were as they were cookingโ€ฆ
So that my friends, was my spectacular Mother’s Day!
Another beautiful thing that happened on Mother’s Day, was that all three of my kids got vaccinated! I am so totally relieved and happy! Double yay and double happiness on this special day!
Speaking of vaccines; over 8 million Ontarians have received at least their first dosage, I say this is hell amazing, right!! I also heard that they will be ramping up the 2nd dosage and everyone will be able to book theirs by mid June and Iโ€™m betting that by August Ontario residents will all be vaxxed!! Hallelujah!! We can all celebrate and will be smiling from ear to ear by then!
Like I was saying May gave us such wonderful sunny weather and most of my weekend were spent outdoors.
I visited my daughter who lives downtown Toronto. I’ve always loved being in the downtown core and now that she lives there, I feel like I have two different lives. One living in quiet suburbs and another in the busy downtown fast paced world.
Harbourfront isย  just minutes away from her doorstep and we walked to it and just sat and people watched. There are plenty of foodie places for curbside pick up since our province is still on lock-down, but we cannot wait till everything opens up again, like can you imagine!! It’s going to be hell ahhhmazing!
Toronto Music Garden
My daughter, Downtown Toronto
Here’s my new favourite eats by the way. I love their Beef Liver sandwich, it is to die for! Here’s their link, check them out. It’s so yummy!
On Sunday’s Papa and I wake up at the crack of dawn and go for long drives out east of Toronto. The country side is so peaceful and tranquil and we love to look at possible properties up there and see what the future holds for us. The amount of land you can get along with reasonable prices can’t be beat, compared to over $1.5 million dollar houses currently for sale now in the city, its quite atrocious! Seriously how are our children ever going to afford their first house with prices like these?! Jesus! It’s horrid and sad if you ask me. Nowadays our children better have the most awesome job and hopefully have a partner, to be able to afford a decent house of their own. My hell!
Here is a property we checked out and the beautiful river behind it.
Isn’t this a gorgeous place though! Honestly the trek to get to the river was worth it, and I could only imagine the bonfires and fun my family would have here! I think its a bit too enormous though, lol.
So, my name was up at work to go back and do my 2 weeks shift and boy was I damn happy about it!
So glad to finally be amongst the living as I told my family and friends. Seriously, being as I am such a people person and I was so excited to hear other people’s voices and see and be with people again. I felt normal again and I was so excited in actually having a reason to dress up other than for posting on my Instagram. LOL!
I wore my favourite red dress from Shein!
Last weekend the weather was so beautiful Josh (my youngest son) and his girlfriend Kate, gave Mr. Tyberious an awesome bath outside. You can totally see from his big ole grin he loved every single moment of it. Just look at my baby, isnโ€™t he the cutest?!
He’s on Instagram by the way: Tyberioustherottweilerย  I’m sure he’d love to be friends with you! You could also link in my bio on my Instagram and you’ll find him there as well, easy peasy!

Tyberious will be 5 years old this month and he really is such a happy little fellow, itโ€™s sad to see people cross to the other side ย of the sidewalk when weโ€™re out for our walks. They always seem to think that Tyberious wants to snack on their fancy little cute dogs but all he wants to do is say hiโ€ฆ

Oh well such is life for my Tyberious I guess, it just makes me sad.
Here he is in ย his glory all happy and oblivious to all who think heโ€™s a monster.

On May 30th my youngest son celebrated yet another birthday during lock-down; but as always, we made it special and I must say he looked pretty happy about his birthday party at home with just the six of us!


Well folks, that sums up my May, hope you enjoyed my round up, this is what I do every month.

I hope to see you here again and before you go, please do leave me a comment. I really would appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you for taking the time to visit, it meansย  so much to me.

Take care, be safe, and wash your hands before you touch your loved one’s.

6 thoughts on “Hello June – A Journal Entry 2021”

  1. Can we have Mothers day every month? This was so beautiful to read. And those pics of breakfast and your newly planted hydrangeas. Ahh! You’ll have gorgeous flowers long after mothers day.

    Loved the house at the lake. I’ve always fancied a home that backed onto water.

    Well here’s to a sensational month of June.

    1. Hello there and thanks for coming by! Thanks for leaving your lovely thoughts and yes that house by the lake is awesome isn’t it! June just crept on us so quickly, didn’t it! Have a great month and stay safe! xoxo

  2. Can’t believe we’re already halfway through the year! Hopefully the season has been treating you well with some amazing weather. It is great that you had a great Mother’s Day! Wow, the spread looks amazing! Glad you had an amazing month! Love your family!

    Nancy โœจ

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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