Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹


Hot Dogs & Rice

Today I went home from work for lunch and made myself hot dogs and rice for a quick meal.ย  As I started to dive in, I stared at it for a moment and reminisced about how many times I have eaten this meal. Hot dogs and rice has always been my go-to dish. A quick snack or a quick lunch.ย  I know that hot dogs are not good for you, but seriously, I have eaten hot dogs for a thousand years and well, it is my favorite and I really love them! I remember from when I was young running home from school on my lunch break, my mom would have hot dogs and rice ready for me. I remember when I moved into my girlfriend’s house when I was a teenager, I stocked up her fridge with packages of hot dogs! I also remember when I was alone in


Hello March! Let’s make it Awesome!

Hello March! Let’s make it awesome! I’m so glad that March is finally here! That means its closer to spring and I like that a whole lot! February didn’t start off fantastic for me as I was battling with Vertigo, and it was just overwhelmingly sad. Being stuck at home and dealing with constant dizziness and laying down all day, was totally not fun at all. I wish that you never have to experience it! Though February did bring my daughter and I to Niagara Falls for a mini getaway. Where we shopped and dined and had one on one quality time. There was also Valentine’s Day and Post Malone; and hell, that concert was the best concert yet! Until now, I’m still going through my videos of me and my son just having such a great time together. My god! March brings on new hope for me as I


Happy Valentine’s Day

Oh hey there and Happy Valentine’s Day! A day to profess your love for your significant other, your friend and your children. Well, at least that’s what I do. To me, Valentine’s day doesn’t have to be inclusive to ‘lovers’, but to all you love! I do the typical thing each year; make reservations, make sure my hair is in tip-top shape, (you know, a root touch up and more highlights), nails are ready, dress already picked out and google an activity/event we can partake in. I do wish sometimes that Mr. umm you know, would take the lead in this, but hell if I wait for him to do it, let’s just say I’d need to take a couple of anxiety pills just to double-check he did make reservations, so I’d rather just go ahead and do it and I’ll be happier with that. Ha! This year’s Valentine’s Day

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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