Sunshine Blogger Award – June 2019
Hello, there my awesome peoples and blogging friends! I’m happy to announce I have won yet another award! I was nominated by the awesome and my most faithful blogger friend, Melissa from Lucky4writing. Check out her amazing blog, I promise it’s worth the visit because her blog is full of fun and engaging posts. Also if you are an animal lover like her and me, then you need to read her post: My Fur Babies, they are such a cute bunch! Thank you so much girl, for sending over your ray of sunshine to me! I’m am truly grateful! xo Rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blogging site. List the Sunshine Blogger Award rules and display the logo on your site Answer the Sunshine Blogger Award questions. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.