Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹


Poetry Sunday March 31/2019

It takes my breath away at times When I sit here and plug intoย  A bunch of reveriesย  Iโ€™m gone for awhile Floating happily away Seeing and feeling so wonderfullyย  In la la land I like it here So happy in the sounds of heartfeltย  Heavy Words Iโ€™m floating in the air Listening to every word every sound As though it were my last


Blogger Recognition Award March 2019

I am super happy that I am the recipient of the Blogger Recognition Award! This award makes me so happy I am floating way up high into the clouds and singing ever so loudly, I’m pretty sure you all can hear me! Thank you to my awesome blogger friend, Melissa for nominating me. Visit Melissa at her site here. My favorite post on Melissa’s blog is getting to know her Fur Babies. I think you would find it very entertaining and can really tell her love for animals. As an animal lover myself, I found this post so relatable! Rules of the Blogger Recognition Award Thank the blogger for nominating you and give the link to their blog. Write a blog post on your website showing the award. Describe the story of why you started your blog. Write two pieces of advice you have for new bloggers. Nominate 10 more


Mystery Blogger Award March 2019

I have been nominated the Mystery Blogger Award by the awesome and most supportive blogger ever, Melissa. You can find her here and read all about her. I’m so honored to be recognized by my blogging abilities and so grateful that people actually enjoy visiting my blog. How awesome is it to do what you love, which for me is writing, and to have people appreciate your efforts! Its hell amazing if you ask me! Let me define what a Mystery Blogger Award is: โ€œMystery Blogger Awardโ€ is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion. The creator of this award is Okoto

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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