Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹


The house that built me – A Journal Entry – February 2022

We moved into this house with a big beautiful tree out front that blooms beautifully in the spring in 2009, ย and on February 20th we will pick up our last boxes and look around its empty rooms. Moving out of this house will be very sad for me and for all of us. I went through many emotions with the process of selling this house. The preparation of getting the house in ready mode and finally having the lock box on our door realizing that soon strangers will walk through our door and visualize themselves living in my house. In this house came many lessons through out the years. I became to know that I love hosting parties. We threw so many celebrations and hosted many birthday parties and Christmas toasts and Thanksgiving dinners and even no-reason-sit-down dinners; just an excuse to bring out my fancy plates and golden cutlery.


Into December – Last Journal Entry Year 2021

And here we are people’s, into December; the last journal entry of year 2021, can you believe it!!! Amazing isn’t it! Yes. Yes it is. Can you see the smile on my face. The calm and content smile accompanied with a sigh of relief that we made it safely. Here at the end of the year. Safely. Thank you. I am grateful. Grateful for many things that this year has given me. A lot has happened this year, there were many ups and excitement and happiness and some downs, disappointments, but never regrets. The year started off as the beginning of planning my retirement and how to start telling my close friends that I was leaving. That was the hardest part. To tell them. To actually hear my voice as I tell them and to hear them reciprocate my sadness accentuate my sadness even more. I smile at this by


Falling into November – A Journal Entry 2021

So just like that October has ended and here we are falling into November. November 1st marks a full month of me being retired and I can say, the month went by a little slow as expected, because well I chilled all month long. Here’s a run down of a month into retirement. The first two weeks of October I spent celebrating my retirement and birthday! It was really overwhelming for me emotionally. October 1st I retired and October 3rd was my 55th birthday and so it really was a crazy time for me and my feelings and emotions were at an all time high. My co-workers who I now call my family, gave me such a beautiful virtual send off, I was beside myself with happiness and felt so loved. As I sat there and listened to everyone give their goodbye speeches to me, I was in awe on

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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