Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹



March 1st, 2018 8 pm Sometimes, it’s nice to be by yourself. I relish the moments when I have the house to myself. Relishing in being completely alone and just do what I need and want to do. Like blaring my music and singing out loud and dancing like a crazy lady. Going to the library and running my fingers through all those awesome books and wondering how it would be if I could totally absorb each and every line that was in that book and remember everything I have read. Sitting at a super comfy cafe, with a window seat and a piping cup of java, earplugs in my ear, enjoying my favorite slow tunes, as I type madly into my laptop. Walks on the beach while its pouring rain. Alone with beautiful nature, where everyone is trying to hide from the rain, except me. I love this the


Pebbles in the sand

February 27th 7:50 pm Love is complicated, isn’t it? Sometimes you’re at a high, sometimes you’re at a low. It’s heart-wrenching, it’s amazing. It’s confusing. Sometimes things go so smoothly, you’re on cloud number nine, and you’re flying high, all the way to the moon and back. Sometimes, it’s so jagged, you have to walk gingerly and carefully, so you won’t hurt yourself. Love takes patience, love takes dedication. Sometimes, it’s just totally disappointing, you don’t even know why you stay. Why do people stay? Some because of their children, some for longevity, some for money, some for companionship, some wait for a miracle. Some, well, for deep love; rooted in their soul. Whatever it is. Only you know.


Unconditional friend

February 26th, 2018 6:43 pm You ever have those moments when you reflect for just a brief second, even though you are already in the moment? Meaning when you’re with someone and even though you’re listening to them, and in the midst of them talking and you’re hearing them;ย  you escape for just a millisecond, just to reflect on your relationship with this person? Well, yeah. I often have these. Today is one of those days. I had a great day with my best friend, Fernanda. She is this awesome person, whom I can be, Me. Just Me. My true authentic self. She knows this. I tell her all the time. She is this amazing person who accepts my faults, fears and all my hopes and dreams. I can have my silent moments and she knows exactly what I’m thinking about. The one who I can be stupid with and

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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