Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹


#Retired – My New Beginning – A Journal Entry – October 1st 2021

Hello friends! and yes, you read that right. #Retired As of Friday October 1st 2021 at 4:30pm marks my last day of working for the City of Toronto. I will officially will be retired and my new beginning will start on the weekend, right at the same time as my birthday on Sunday October 3rd. It really feels so crazy right now as I write this. So many emotions run through me and I’ve been feeling that I’ve been on a roller coaster for weeks on end; no scratch that, months on end. I’ve been telling my closest friends and co-workers here and there and now all of sudden the day is here. I cannot believe that after 31 years with the City here I am ready to do absolutely whatever I want! Sleep in, stay up late, go wherever for how long and never ever have to ask for


Summers End – A Journal Entry

The last time I wrote in my blog was July. I took a break from writing for two reasons. Its summer and I wanted to just enjoy my time and the other reason was because I was stuck. Stuck because of my own fears of just not knowing what to write about and what will interest people and will it be engaging enough and will my content be enough for you to come back and read more of what I have to say. See, that was my problem. That enabled my creativity and stopped the number one thing I did best, was to express myself through this; writing. I love to write, I love to say what’s on my mind and I love to share whats happening in my life and whats happening with me. I’ve been writing since I was 12 and I used to climb on trees with


Hello July – A Journal Entry 2021

Well hello again thank you for being here; and Hello July! Also Happy Canada Day!! I wanted to say a big Happy Birthday to you !! June just whizzed on by and here we are in the middle of summer and how awesome is that! The weather has been co-operating with us for sure and June has been spent outdoors out and about and that for sure has been doing wonders for my mental health. Lets start with the most important day in June; Father’s day! We celebrated Father’s Day, with outdoor dining as we finally had the green light in Toronto to dine out! So relieved to be out and to feel somewhat normal and feel alive and enjoy and celebrate outside of the house! We dined downtown Toronto, as per usual, because its our favourite place to be. The weather was awesome, but we ate lunch in the

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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