Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹


Hello July – A Journal Entry 2021

Well hello again thank you for being here; and Hello July! Also Happy Canada Day!! I wanted to say a big Happy Birthday to you !! June just whizzed on by and here we are in the middle of summer and how awesome is that! The weather has been co-operating with us for sure and June has been spent outdoors out and about and that for sure has been doing wonders for my mental health. Lets start with the most important day in June; Father’s day! We celebrated Father’s Day, with outdoor dining as we finally had the green light in Toronto to dine out! So relieved to be out and to feel somewhat normal and feel alive and enjoy and celebrate outside of the house! We dined downtown Toronto, as per usual, because its our favourite place to be. The weather was awesome, but we ate lunch in the


Hello June – A Journal Entry 2021

Ahhh the smell of freshly blooming flowers and the sounds of chirping birds happily fills all my senses, hello and welcome my beautiful June month! Love love love June and what it brings for us. The sunshine, the endless walks to the waterfront or that bench at the park and to people watch or have deep and meaningful conversations, while you sit and chow down your favourite foodie. June the promise of open toed shoes, floral flowy dresses, shorts, straw hats, sunscreen, long early drives to the country with the windows down and listening to your favourite 80’s jam. (okay maybe not your type of music but mine, LOL) June where the man of the house works around the house and fixes this and that or makes planters for their wives and a herb planter for himself, LOL you know who I’m referring to right? Haha. I’m so excited that


Hello May – A Journal Entry 2021

Well well well, we are into May and I am feeling great about that, and how about you!? I most certainly hope that you feel the same way, because May means that warmer weather is soon to come and warmer weather means that we can get the heck outta the house and be outdoors and just breathe and soak in the sunshine. Hello May!! May is a month for progress. I can taste it in the air. Why? Do you ask me, well because April 28th Papa and I got vaccinated and I am hell happy! Excited actually. I really felt all emotional the moment I was injected. I felt that yes a road to extra protection headed my way. Yes I know that I will still wear my mask and yes I will still wash my handsย  and yes I will still social distance, but this vaccination right here

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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