Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹


Hello August! – Journal Entry – August 2020

Well, folks, here we are into 6 months of this pandemic and we have made it into Stage 3! Halleluia! Stage 3 when indoor dining can finally happen, when the gyms are open (with masks on) and how comfortable is that I’m asking myself, the theatres are open, children can happily be free to play on the playgrounds and book lovers can enter their favourite libraries, just to name a few. Stage 3 finally came and things really are starting to look back to normal. I went to the mall yesterday and was in awe when I saw the food court populated with people eating their meal at the table. It felt odd but quickly realized this is what it is supposed to look like and my brain got so used to it being the other way around, empty. How quickly does our brain become used to assimilate into what


International Self-Care Day July 24th 2020

In honor of Self-Care Day: There are many days when we have hard days. Days when we feel we have unraveled so much that, we’re afraid we won’t be able to pull ourselves back together again. Days when we have fallen so deep that the light above us gets further away from us. Days when we can’t get out of bed because we are numb, we just don’t have the will, we just don’t want to. But we do. It’s called STRENGTH. The power within us, to try again, to muster every courage, every energy we have left; because we are fighters. The beauty of self-care is that we have the power to self-recognize our own symptoms. We know our own bodies, know when we are falling, know when we are slipping, we recognize the signs and therefore are able to self-help. I know from my own experience that this


Happy Canada Day, EH!

EH!! Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians! I don’t know about you but July 1st came so fast for me. This is month 5 with this pandemic and we have been making progress.ย  I say that’s been positive and I’m hoping we all can maintain this level of progression and hope that we see continued success. Toronto has finally opened most of its businesses and we are somewhat back to normal. Of course, we are still practicing our social distancing and our constant washing/sanitizing of hands. I’ve heard in the news that the mayor wants to implement wearing masks to be mandatory when entering businesses starting July 7th. Of course, we will all comply, in order for our country to strive and completely flatten this virus. Mentally I know its been really challenging. I know that for me I was so excited when I finally was able to

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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