Well hello again thank you for being here; and Hello July!
Also Happy Canada Day!! I wanted to say a big Happy Birthday to you !!
June just whizzed on by and here we are in the middle of summer and how awesome is that!
The weather has been co-operating with us for sure and June has been spent outdoors out and about and that for sure has been doing wonders for my mental health.
Lets start with the most important day in June; Father’s day!
We celebrated Father’s Day, with outdoor dining as we finally had the green light in Toronto to dine out! So relieved to be out and to feel somewhat normal and feel alive and enjoy and celebrate outside of the house!
We dined downtown Toronto, as per usual, because its our favourite place to be. The weather was awesome, but we ate lunch in the shade and it was fantastic.
After lunch; the children went their own way and Papa and I went shopping, it was a relaxing and a great Father’s Day.
I only have three pictures because I took a lot of videos and made a Reel on Instagram, so check out my Instagram to see our dining experience!
So happy that our outdoor patios and retail stores have finally opened. Now we’re waiting for shopping malls and dining-in to open shortly and most of all the salons. Then all will certainly feel we’re back to normal. If I can say that loosely.
Speaking of downtown Toronto, I totally love it. So many foodie places, so many parks and the waterfront is gorgeous.
Also my daughter and son lives there and when my husband and I go shopping we have two choices as to where to visit, its pretty awesome!
One night I just dropped by and we ended up here for a meal. This restaurant at Ruby Soho made this Sangria for me and it wasn’t even on their menu yet, just to make me happy.
They’re awesome!

I often visitย my daughter and we walk around and enjoy the scenery and go on mother/daughter dates! We are both foodie lovers and her neighbourhood is full of good eats!
We also went to this restaurant before we went to Madame Levant but unfortunately the customer service wasn’t up to par and they served the customers who came way after us, so we decided to leave.
But I took pictures though before we left, lol. Can’t waste a good looking restaurant, even though some of the staff isn’t up to quality standards!
I love the chaos and the stimulation from the downtown vibe. It makes me feel alive to see people enjoying their lives, just being out and enjoying the outdoors.
I live in the suburbs and everyone just hides indoors, its so damn boring. All they do is mow their lawns, water their plants, do groceries… Wait, that’s what I do! LOL man!!
See what I mean, I really should move downtown, its my vibe, but Papa (my hubby) isn’t really into it. Perhaps I can talk him into it? Hmmmm. Things that make me think…lol.
Also in June it was Mr. Tyberious’s birthday, and he turned the big 5 ! Wish him a Happy Birthday!!
We got him a new leash because he’s out grown his baby one and he’s far stronger now and some toys and had Ice-Cream cookies from Petsmart. These lasted for a good month actually, I spaced them out because giving them to him daily isn’t good for his stomach they stated.
So now that things are beginning to open up again, I started to think about vacations and abruptly stopped; our passport have expired; and I completely forgot to renew them because we’ve been stuck in this Covid situation.
So off I go and hurriedly complete my Renewed Application online and with a quick phone call to find out, I can’t go in person for an expedited passport unless it was an emergency travel. So I have to wait 20 days or more for it. Oh well c’est la vie I guess.
The next alternative would be to just travel within Canada, at least I don’t need a passport for that; but still I’m the type of person, who wants a passport when boarding a plane, that’s just me, how about you? I think it’s my comfort zone.
On June 27th Scotia Bank Arena hosted a one day vaccination clinic and my husband and I received our 2nd dosage! It was an amazing experience. It was so well organized and even though there were a lot of people the line went quickly and smoothly and they even had a DJ blasting, I totally loved the entire experience.
26,771 people were vaxxed that day, now how awesome is that! On this day, people who were getting vaccinated; received a free bus ride to and fro to their appointments. All they needed to do was provide proof of appointment and that’s it. Also when we parked our vehicle downtown, low and behold we were greeted with a sign – “Free Parking for Vaccines ” Likeย oh.my.God !
You will never ever see that sign ever in downtown Toronto, and that was a beautiful surprise, I’m only sad I didn’t take a picture of it!!
So being fully vaccinated brings on such a great relief. I feel a sense of security and a sense of hope that positive things will come forth in the month of July.
I hope that businesses will start to open and that people will start to recoup their loses, slowly but surely. I know that it will not miraculously refill their pockets of what they have lost, because we too have lost tremendously with our auto shop, so I am speaking from experience.ย I hope that things will resume and lifeย can somewhat return and get back into shape.
I hope that our new month of July will be filled with great happiness of being able to visit our loved ones. Being able to hug them. Being able to not have to be masked and take comfort in our circles that we are safe and continue to practice to be safe.ย I hope we can again be able to enjoy our shopping or go to church or perhaps witness an intimate wedding or enjoy a day at Canada’s Wonderland. What ever it is, I hope that we can stop hiding, and start living again. Our mental health has been suffering for far too long now and it’s time to get our life back.
Am right?
Take care, stay safe.