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A Lifestyle Blog - Journal | Fashion | Travel

A Lifestyle Blog - Journal | Fashion | Travel


There is something about Kenny G’s music that every time, I listen to it, a whole array of reflections of my life run through me. To be honest, I love it. It slows my mind down from all the other things that stress all of us out. LIFE. You know when your brain starts spinning a million times, even before you’re wide awake. You know what I’m talking about: What to have for breakfast, you have to take the dogs out, feed them, get ready for work, do I even want to go to work? Bills, family, the children, your husband.

It’s nice to just veg and has time to reflect and sit for awhile and really think of what you want to think about and not what you’re forced to think about. Right now I’m thinking about all the people I’ve met in my life and was it all worth it? Certain thoughts of people bring on pain, certain people radiate happiness, some exude sadness and a lot, laughter. So I guess the answer to my question: is yes.


I think that people come into your life for a reason and a lesson:

A reason could be for happiness and realization of whatever you’re going through at the time, this person was put into your life, to re-kindle that happiness that you lost for the time being.  They showed you that besides the turmoil you’re going through, it’ll be okay. This person was able to make you, you again.

Pain comes in the form of self-awareness for me. When someone has hurt you so much, you begin to over self-analyze yourself. You ask yourself whether it was your fault? You ask yourself whether you were good enough. You ask yourself will you ever get through this? Then the answers come one day and you realize, no it wasn’t your fault, yes you were good enough and with pain comes strength. You learn a big lesson and though you never get the real you back, you rise with your head held high, and you become this stronger and better person, because of it.

Sadness for me is when I think about not having parents, or siblings.  Just me. At times it’s very hard when I dwell on it or when I see my husband’s family. He comes from a very large family and seeing them all there at special occasions, make me yearn for even just one member, just for me. But my cards in this lifetime isn’t in favor for that. So I live with it.

Laughter is the greatest feeling ever! When I think of certain people who make me laugh even when they’re not there in front of me. It’s hell hysterical! I think it’s pretty special to laugh out loud at yourself because you’re thinking of that person or incident, that almost made you pee your pants! I often have those thoughts; on the couch while watching tv, in the kitchen cooking, in line at the grocery store: I’m by myself and suddenly laugh to myself like a lunatic. I’m one of those people who love to rewind things in my head over and over again. So yeah, laughter is the best medicine for whatever you’re going through. Even if it’s just for a moment. Laughter is never a wasted emotion, and I always keep those people who make me laugh, close to me!

Reflections are beautiful. It’s a storybook with a bunch of different chapters and you decide the ending, it’s awesome.

Just my thought for the day…


Being Tessiebelle






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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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