Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹

Under the Moonlight – Poetry – July 23rd 2020

Under The Moonlight

They stood hand in hand

I could hear their gentle laughter

I could hear their whispers

They walked slowly with determination

They were carefree with hesitation

They sat on the same park bench, once a week, excited to see each other

Like children on a playdate

Their cars parked side by side

Thinking they were being discreet

He looking with love and devotion, always serious

She with the eyes of a girl who found the meaning of true love

The stranger watched from his balcony, the house with the view of the lake

Smoking his pipe, a routine his wife of 40 years who did not approve

But let it be because it made him happy

Marriage is a hard work

But it can work

He should know he’s been there done that

These two out there

He knows what this is

For many years he’s witnessed these two

These two are what you call forbidden love

The love that cannot be

But only cherish, but kept in a box, hidden on a shelf, in a closet

But only shared between the two of them

In secret

Stolen kisses

Empty promises

Hopeful words

Captured moments

An escape

For if it was really true love

Would they still be here

On borrowed time

Under the moonlight…


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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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