Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹


Journal Entry – (Evolving Involves Eliminating) May 25th 2020

Many times in our lives we go through many changes in ourselves. We Evolve, and Evolving involves eliminating. Eliminating all the bad habits weโ€™ve grown to perfect in order to avoid conflict. Eliminating all the negativity from that person that you know isnโ€™t good for you. Eliminating that person whom you always reach out to, but doesnโ€™t reciprocate. Eliminating that person who doesnโ€™t value you, who doesnโ€™t make you a priority, and who doesnโ€™t even understand the meaning of โ€˜quality timeโ€™. Itโ€™s time to put yourself first and ignore those who donโ€™t take your feelings into consideration. Go where you feel happy Go where the mind calms you Go where you absolutely love to spend hours at Go where even by yourself, it brings you a sense of contentment. You deserve to be happy, in mind-body & spirit. Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that. Set your life


Journal Entry – (We rise, We heal) May 19th 2020

There are moments in life when we go through hardships, failures, disappointments, and many let downs. Through this, we die a little each time. Some get up quickly dust themselves up and carry on. Some are stuck for a while. Sometimes โ€œfor awhile โ€œ may take longer than it should. But thatโ€™s ok. Because in the end, you want to see the light and the beginning of changesโ€™ when youโ€™re ready. You want to give yourself time to heal. We all heal differently, but the thing is – we heal – slowly but surely. With a little self-help, and genuine friends, your siblings, perhaps your parents. If you donโ€™t have any of that; There are professionals who can guide you the right way or be the sounding board you need. But you will rise from this because you are strong and you are deep and you care about yourself because;


Hello There May

Happy new month my beautiful peoples. April dragged slowly for me as I’m sure everyone has been in the same boat. I can’t believe May is here and another month starts all over again. I can’t believe that I stayed home half of March and all of April; self-isolating is the new norm now in our lives. I hope and pray that we are soon on the road to recovery. I hope that this pandemic dissipates and we can all begin to re-assume our life and integrate back into society and into each other’s lives. I cannot wait to sit in a restaurant and have an awesome meal and have beautiful conversations; amongst other people, again. I cannot wait to be able to sit in a park without worrying that there’s a chance that I may get ticketed for sitting too closely with my loved ones. I cannot wait to

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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