Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹


Hello February 2021 – A Journal Entry

Hello beautiful people and here we are in February in hopes for summer to come along, well at least I do! I’m tired of this cold weather and want to skip Spring and just jump into the hot summer patio weather, are you with me?! I know you are. This lock-down has certainly been really getting us down and with #BellLetsTalk day last week, I have read enough posts on social media to see how much this trying time has really gotten everyone down. I wish to God that we pull through quickly just so our mental health does not suffer further as it has already. So many business closures still continue, even our office has shut down last Friday and it was so sad. Just seeing my desk for the last time and walking around the two floors we occupied and reminiscing about the good times I had there


Hello January 2021 !! – A Journal Entry – January 1st 2021

Happy New Year, it’s 2021 !!!! OMG, I am so excited to have left 2020 behind, as I think you are too! It has been such a heavy year, full of sadness, death, illness, isolation, business closures, job loss, and most of all, at least for me the sufferance of mental health. Wrapping up 2020 brings me a mixture of different emotions. So much has happened this year. I started off the year so hopeful that 2020 would the year to be full of promises and I had hoped it to be a fulfilling one filled with new goals and so many accomplishments to do this and that. I booked our vacation to Punta Cana nice and early and was so excited for March to hop onto the plane until the beginning of March came and suddenly Covid started to hit the news and we were struck with a decision


Hello December – A Journal Entry – December 1st 2020

December is here and COVID-19 is still among us and even worse, Toronto and our neighbors are in lockdown! Yup it has happened yet again, and of course, we all are not in shock, dismayed perhaps, a little disappointed, upset because it’s so close to Christmas and everyone wants to prepare; but not shocked. We are in lockdown mode till December 21st, but that doesn’t mean anything. It means more waiting with bated breath on that day to see if we re-open or be shut down till the New Year 2021.ย  What will the New Year bring us? I hope that it won’t be for too long as our economy is suffering. It already has been suffering but this has already been a blow for so many establishments and I feel horrid for all who are losing their source of income. How will they survive? How are they paying their

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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