Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹

Hello February 2021 – A Journal Entry

Hello beautiful people and here we are in February in hopes for summer to come along, well at least I do! I’m tired of this cold weather and want to skip Spring and just jump into the hot summer patio weather, are you with me?!

I know you are.

This lock-down has certainly been really getting us down and with #BellLetsTalk day last week, I have read enough posts on social media to see how much this trying time has really gotten everyone down. I wish to God that we pull through quickly just so our mental health does not suffer further as it has already.

So many business closures still continue, even our office has shut down last Friday and it was so sad. Just seeing my desk for the last time and walking around the two floors we occupied and reminiscing about the good times I had there with my co-workers was an emotional ride yet again for me. Chat after chat on Whats Aapp as I sent my friends final videos of our office space and what was once our shared happy space of 8 hours of employee interaction that over Covid turned into family relationships.ย  These past 11 months I/we will never forget the relationships that bonded us together and the relationships that taught usย  great lessons.

As we all go into hiding in our homes for God knows how much longer, people get into depression mode. Nothing much to report or talk about. Instagram posts become repeats of the past, old vacation photos, wishing to go back to our vacation spots, our favourite foodie hang outs and polls of what to binge watch on Netflix or Crave or Prime are the top conversations lately.

I do commend how content creators can plug away and be uplifting and provide us entertaining content and make us think or smile or ponder or share their thoughts or be transparent and let us enter their lives. I find that so brave and well, that’s life, why not. I think if you’re comfortable with that and people are willing to read and watch, why not? As long as you’re not hurting anyone and you present it with integrity, why the hell not?

The highlight of my January was babysitting Charlie for the day. She’s this cutie soon-to-be 2year old and I’ve known her since she was a baby. Runningย  after her around my house was hell exhausting but so worth it. Isn’t she gorgeous! Her mommy is my daughter’s best friend.

We drove downtown Toronto a few times for a change of scenery and it felt fantastic!

Yorkville, Downtown Toronto
Yorkville, Downtown Toronto
Lakeshore, Downtown Toronto

Also took our 2 Rottweilers around our neighbourhood. Basically, an uneventful month.

Everything is closed, except of course curbside pick-up; which my daughter absolutely had to pick-up her Aveda shampoo at Yonge/Eglinton uh okay. LOL.

Here my boys (except the one in the white hat) takes advantage of our home gym in the garage. Even when its -13…. Uh no thanks..

Finally the most favourite hang out place in our house….is the kitchen, and our dogs seem to think so too!

This is my Papa (my hubby)

I say that January flew by and I’m pretty sure that February will do so as well.

With bated breath, I hope we have good news from Mayor Tory and that on Valentine’s Day we could open the restaurants and have a romantic dinner out.


Probably a NO.

Nothing wrong with hoping eh.

Stay safe, mask up and wash your hands.

2 thoughts on “Hello February 2021 – A Journal Entry”

  1. Great post and beautiful photos! It’s been extremely uneventful for me and staying home at all times can definitely be tough, especially when it’s cold and snowy outside. I love hearing how others are faring, and looking toward the future with hope! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks Savannah, and I know! Its been frustrating times for sure and all we can do is just wait and see what’s in store for us. Certainly the winter months can make things more boring too, LOL! Thanks for coming by and hoping to see you back here again! xoxo

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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