Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travel​

Falling into November – A Journal Entry 2021

So just like that October has ended and here we are falling into November.

November 1st marks a full month of me being retired and I can say, the month went by a little slow as expected, because well I chilled all month long.

Here’s a run down of a month into retirement.

The first two weeks of October I spent celebrating my retirement and birthday! It was really overwhelming for me emotionally. October 1st I retired and October 3rd was my 55th birthday and so it really was a crazy time for me and my feelings and emotions were at an all time high.

Beyond Monet, Toronto
Birthday Dinner

My co-workers who I now call my family, gave me such a beautiful virtual send off, I was beside myself with happiness and felt so loved. As I sat there and listened to everyone give their goodbye speeches to me, I was in awe on how much I was truly appreciated and how much I will be missed. I sat there and thought to myself, can I really retire and leave these amazing people behind? What will my routine be now, instead of logging in Monday to Friday at 8:30 in the morning.

How will I be not seeing my friends at work or even receiving daily work emails?

How do I feel not knowing whats happening in my office?

I tell you its been quite hard to be out of the loop with office events and happenings. I do truly miss it, but not the work of course.

I did pick up my cell one morning when my daughter called me and answered “Good morning; Social Services!” and we both had a laugh. But boy I really did miss saying that.

I thought being retired meant I can do all the things that needed caught up with.

You know, clean out my closet and purge old outfits, go harass Papa more at work, cook elaborate meals and write more…

So that didn’t happen.

Actually it was opposite. I got lazy and thought yeah yeah, I’ll do that tomorrow I have plenty of time. Like my helllll, what is the matter with me, I’m thinking.

So I grabbed my bags and headed out to Collingwood to visit my sister on my second week of retirement, but booked into a hotel instead. I needed to just relax my thoughts and really let it soak in that I’ve finally did it. I have entered into a new chapter, I’ve said goodbye to the only thing I’ve been doing for 31 years, was work at the same place doing the same thing.

Collingwood, ON
Sunset Beach

Checking into a hotel on my own, felt so good. I really needed time for me and start off my retirement properly. I visited my sister, had my meals with her, but did a lot of shopping therapy as well. LOL

When I came back, I met with friends, received beautiful flowers, got the house ready for our Canadian Thanksgiving, went for many drives out in the country and made Won-ton Soup from scratch.

I swear to god my house felt like a flower shop last month, it made me so happy.

Speaking of happiness; I never knew how much I love being in the country. The Fall Foliage has really gotten a grip on me and I am so much in love with all the beautiful covered leaves everywhere, this fall season. I mean really, if you follow me on Instagram, every day in my stories you’d probably see pictures or videos of the many shots of our beautiful fall foliage. Its so gorgeous.

So in the news its all about Travel lately and how they’ve begun to lift some of their restrictions. Our border to the US will open on November 8th finally, and those whose been waiting patiently or impatiently can finally cross.

I haven’t travelled or been on a vacation since all this COVID started. My last vacay was in Punta Cana back in March 2020 and hearing that travel seems to be back on the table, I feel I need to get on board!

So I am very excited to be making travel plans again, soon. I’m thinking Hawaii, since I’ve never been, but because my daughter came back from Portugal in September; I feel I need to go there too. Also there is Thailand which is hell beautiful and I must add Bali, wouldn’t that be amazing?! I have to decide, but if you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments.

So folks November is here, and you know what that means; people will be in the mood to start preparing for Christmas! Oh my God, Christmas, can you believe how time really flies by?

I’ve been to Walmart recently and already they have all their Christmas decorations out, right beside the Halloween stuff, my hell. LOL

Soon it’ll be year 2022, Jesus Christ!

It’s exciting though right. This 2021 coming to an end.

Okay lets save this for another post. Lol.

Take care everyone and be safe, xoxo.

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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