Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹

#Retired – My New Beginning – A Journal Entry – October 1st 2021

Hello friends! and yes, you read that right. #Retired

As of Friday October 1st 2021 at 4:30pm marks my last day of working for the City of Toronto. I will officially will be retired and my new beginning will start on the weekend, right at the same time as my birthday on Sunday October 3rd.

It really feels so crazy right now as I write this. So many emotions run through me and I’ve been feeling that I’ve been on a roller coaster for weeks on end; no scratch that, months on end.

I’ve been telling my closest friends and co-workers here and there and now all of sudden the day is here. I cannot believe that after 31 years with the City here I am ready to do absolutely whatever I want!

Sleep in, stay up late, go wherever for how long and never ever have to ask for a vacation day as long as I live. Like this is way too weird, right?!

They say that I won’t feel like I’m retired until maybe a month hasย  passed by. It’ll probably feel like I’m on a months vacation. I’m guessing they’re probably right.

Nevertheless, It’s been hell of a ride to get here. I have so many beautiful memories. So many ups and downs working and building relationship and learning curves and coping with changes within an ever fast paced organization; its been an amazing journey.

I started with the City of Toronto in my early mid 20’s with a baby girl almost turning one year old. My papa and I were so happy that I got this job because we so needed the benefits that came with it and the hourly rate was so amazing at the time. I believe it was $13.75 and believe me, at that time, it was damn amazing so don’t even laugh at me, lol!

This job gave us security & stability as my papa continued his education and I supported our little family. We often talk about this part of our lives because it was really a milestone for us.

I was very proud to be able to sustain us with this job at the beginning of our lives. As Papa went to school and had a part time job I continued with the City and we lived a content and happy life together.

Now fast forward to here and now, we have 3 grown children and I’m at this stage of retirement and papa with his businesses, just goes to show you life can blossom and give you blessings if you have the patience to wait and work hard and go along with the struggles and know that without struggles you will not reap any benefits and not know your strength in the process and know the measure of how far your success can go.

If you’re just starting out on your own, things may look rough and tough right now, but if you work hardย  on what you want, things will get better in time. Just have the patience and will power to move forward. The key is to move forward, never just lay around and do nothing, just move forward. Even if you’re slowly getting to it, at least you’re getting to it. Also if you’re not happy where you’re at, please do something about it, make a plan to change your position, after all, you’re not a tree.

The key to life is be happy, in my opinion. Life is too short. You need to be happy at least. So what if you’re not making the most money, but are you happy?

I just love to preach about happiness because I find that too many people like to wallow too much into sadness and I’ve workedย  so much into crawling out of that and it feels so right to just lift others of what I’ve taught myself.

So this is my new beginning.

To stay on this path of happiness and self care within myself. Maintain this path to self-awareness into my retirement and fulfill my goals and get where I want to go.

Where do I see myself in a couple of years?

Perhaps sell my current house, purchase another house we can flip, buy another we can live in but also flip when we’re done flipping the other house we’re going to buy! Did you get that?! LOL!

Also I canย  see us running a quaint little restaurant as well, oh and travelling, how does that sound?

Papa says he has some business endeavours he was thinking about that involves travelling; and then I clued out LOL! He got me at the mention ofย  travel!

I also obviously and wholeheartedly plan to write more and maybe put together a memoir. This part I’ve always wanted to do, but it is somewhat scary putting it out there my whole entire story, but we shall see. Perhaps snippets of stories here on my blog would suffice?

Also in my vision, I see a cute little flower shop that my daughter and I will run; and I can see now that it’ll be filled with happy and excited customers!

What do you think?

I think it sounds promising and lovely……..

I’m hell excited for this new beginning of mine and with all these possible options….

It’s a new beginning for my family, a new beginning for all of us.

Take care and be safe, xoxo.


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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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