The sun is shining and my window is slightly open today, as the air is on the cool side in the Tdot. The temperature is 13 degrees Celsius and its June. Yeah, so I’m not even going to go there today. As I always I complain about the weather. Today, my thoughts are on Music.ย I love music, and right now I’m listening to Lionel Ritchie’s record album. Yes, I said it, record album, as in I have a turntable, which I play LP records on. I am a bit old fashioned, and I try to hold onto what I loved most when I was in my younger days, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Lol. Listening to Lionel Ritchie I totally fall in love with his voice and get caught up in my fantasy world of creating the perfect “Love Story” in my mind.
The perfect boy meets perfect girl and then boy has to leave the girl for a thousand years and so girl falls in love with some other boy who turns out to be horrific, until the original awesome boy returns and savesย the day! Yeah, that seems to be the same old storyline in my head, or just about everyone else’s. Romantic/slow music can often stop me from whatever I’m doing and put me into a reverie for just oh,ย an instant. It brings me back to whatever event had occurred with that certain music. Per example; with the song “Shake You Down” from Gregory Abbott, that was the very first song, my husband and I ever danced to: It was at my friends birthday party in the basement, I was feeding my future husband a plate of something (I can’t remember what) and then this song came on, and we were inseparable ever since! Or the song “Careless Whisper” from Wham, sung by George Michael, this brings me way back into my past that wasn’t too great. The past which was quite sad, but taught me a lot about strength, survival and my true self. This song played on my Walkman when I boarded the train from downtown Summerhill station, at the wee hours of 4 am, en route to my best friends house because I couldn’t sleep. I was headed towards North York, which is about an hour travel time to get to her house. So we could go to school together. Knowing what I know now, it wasn’t a wise decision to be going out at that hour alone. I was young and unprepared and unguided, then. This song played as I walked in the less populated streets at that hour, it was peaceful, it was dark and I wasn’t scared at all. The song calmed me and it kept me company as I sat there on the train, where not a soul knew where I was going or knew I was gone. Music is such a beautiful creation. I have it playing always. At work, at home (if I’m alone), in the car, in my study (as I write this), I cannot live without it. ย For those who know me, the minute I enter the premises I ask where the music is. Music soothes me, it is my refuge. It is my therapy, just like writing.
Let the MUSIC PLAY….
