Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹


Hello April – A Journal Entry 2021

“April showers bring May flowers’ great then, because I cannot wait for warmer weather, can you?! Hello April, so happy that you are here! Right?! Is it me or time is really moving fast? For me it surely is. Even though I am working from home and I swear it’s driving me totally bonkers (said with an English accent) because I tend to do that once in awhile, (if you follow me on Instagram on my stories, hahaha) Like seriously, are you all still sane? What keeps you sane anyways, its been a year since Covidย  entered our lives and here I am still saying Hello March Hello April still nothing much to report but..I’m here and love to write about it for you. I live in Toronto and we recently opened up the patios for outdoor dining, but Durham region has been open for in-dining and that’s where we


Hello March – A Journal Entry – 2021

Helloย  beautiful people and just like that it’s March! Isn’t that just wonderful! That means spring is just around the corner and warm weather will soon begin and I know that snow makes everything so much gorgeous, but I still don’t want it hanging around, I want sun sun sun! So come on mother nature, cast your beautiful smile upon us and let the sunshine rays stay longer and make us all smile from ear to ear! The February month was filled with the same old activities. Cooking, eating and binge watching Netflix; because seriously what else is there to do? This lock-down pretty much has taken a lot of toll on me mentally and I know from speaking to a couple of my friends that I am not alone. While I feel really grateful I have a job where I can work from home, I also feel very cooped


Lessons I learned in 2020

Have you ever sat down and thought about the lessons you’ve learned in 2020 when Covid19 started? Well, I have and I finally took the time to sit down and jot them down. I’ve thought about them often actually but never got a chance to actually sit and gather my thoughts until now. I know that it’s completely overdue, but I guess some parts are hard to talk about because frankly, some are sad to think about. Like the fact that losing a friendship that I’ve had for say over 7 years or so, is hard to talk about. I’m not going to go into specifics but just the fact that while in lock-down I never would have guessed that a friendship that I thought was so strong, would not survive eight months of not talking or seeing each other. I guess its true when they say, out of sight

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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