A Day of Reflection – Happy Birthday To Me – October 3rd
Today is my birthday and I’m hell excited! I love my birthday and all the anticipation of how my day would turn. At the crack of dawn, my Papa (my husband) would hug me close and whispers “Happy Birthday” and stays like that for a while. I then, think immediately of my mom and how much I miss her. It’s been 25 years since she’s passed, but I still miss her terribly. She’s my adoptive mom. I also think of my biological mom, who abandoned me at the age of;ย a couple of weeks, and from both of those thoughts alone, sends my emotions into sad chaos. As Papa lies there, knowing what I’m thinking, I slowly reset myself. I lie still for a while and welcome my feelings. I let it take over me for just a bit, and then I think of my children, and I put those