Life in Bloom: Journaling my way through Life, Fashion, and Travelโ€‹

Hello August! – Journal Entry – August 2020

Well, folks, here we are into 6 months of this pandemic and we have made it into Stage 3! Halleluia!

Stage 3 when indoor dining can finally happen, when the gyms are open (with masks on) and how comfortable is that I’m asking myself, the theatres are open, children can happily be free to play on the playgrounds and book lovers can enter their favourite libraries, just to name a few.

Stage 3 finally came and things really are starting to look back to normal. I went to the mall yesterday and was in awe when I saw the food court populated with people eating their meal at the table. It felt odd but quickly realized this is what it is supposed to look like and my brain got so used to it being the other way around, empty. How quickly does our brain become used to assimilate into what we are supposed to do because of rules and the new norm that we forget what used to be normal, do you follow me?

It seemed to me that summer is flying by. It felt like all I/we did was listen to the news and see where we are at with this virus and how our country is doing and how much have we progressed and will we progress and where will we progress to?

Now I feel I can breathe a little better because it seems everything is back to normal, slowly but surely; or is it?

Time will only tell our fate and will once again wait and hear our fate in the news.

In the meanwhile, let us all enjoy this month of August and the wonderful news of Stage 3; a sense of freedom.

Freedom to enjoy more company. A choice to dine indoors or out. A chance for our children to play where they want again, more room to spread our wings and enjoy the month of August before September begins to roll in.

Let’s do this though with caution still, but with a dash of happiness and a sprinkle of what we used to be, of our old selves; doing what we love. Or maybe not? But at least now we have a choice, right?

Stay safe my peoples, lets keep our masks on, let’s keep washing our hands, let’s keep social distancing, so we can move happily forward and not backward.

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Wife, mother of 3, owner of 2 rottie's, foodie lover & wanderlust. "My level of maturity depends on who I'm with".....


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